features six specially-commissioned artists' works inspired by a set of random search results culled from the world wide web and based on words in the Book of Revelations.
The start-up for the project is the 'exegesis' web-crawler, developed specifically for, which performed searches (working to specific parameters) for the 1300 words that comprise the Revelations text.
The 1300 'source' words were ordered alphabetically and the crawler ran a search for each word using the Alta Vista search engine. Working to strict numerological principles the crawler selected the 6th result and then visited that site to extract the 6th word and download the 6th image. The crawler also followed the 6th link and extracted further 6/6/6 criteria information until the search failed. The crawler then defaulted to a new search based around the next key word from the source text.
The mass of accumulated data returned by the 'exegesis' tool is stored in a hypertext archive on site. The interface for this archive is the original Revelation text, organised into chapter and verse. Each word from the text that produced a successful 6/6/6 search is a link to the sources of the search results.
This hypertext archive was divided equally and given to the artists to make on-line works, using this random array of 'found' text and imagery either as raw material. or the catalyst for 'interpretation'. is a Film and Video Umbrella online project funded by the Arts Council of England. With additional support from Eastern Arts Board. 01/01/00 - 31/12/00
a Film and Video Umbrella online project
Concept and curation: Steven Bode
Exegesis web-crawler developed by Kathryn Schmitt
supported by the Slade Centre for Electronic Media
Thomson & Craighead co-commissioned by Kirklees Media Centre.
Carey Young co-commissioned by Peterborough Arts Centre, supported by Eastern Arts Board.
Interface design: Rory Hamilton
Technical co-ordinator: Keith Whittle
Thanks to the New Media Projects and Artists' Film and Video Initiatives Funds at the Arts Council of England; Matt Locke at Kirklees Media Centre; Clifton Stewart at Peterborough Arts Centre; Alistair Haines at Eastern Arts Board.